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News : I'm addicted to the extra virgin olive oil.

I'm addicted to the extra virgin olive oil.  2010.10.04. 21:13

The Solan de Cabras advertising face of the current Swedish beauty, Helene Svedin. Perfect complexion, a beautiful smile and those eyes, which even in the darkest room we can know. When the peoples interrogated for the tricks, always She speak about nature, and her lucky genetics. But she recognizes that she loves the extra virgin olive oil, which often she consume a toast at morning.

What is the secret?
There is no secret. I drink lots of water, and I love the healthy foods. I often go to a doctor for routine tests.

I know a few days ago you were at a doctor, why?
I took part in a routine test.

Have you ever been an operating room?

When I gave birth my three daughter.

Did not experience problems during pregnancy?

No, the truth is that I was incredible lucky. Everything went well with three of my daughter.

Do you love sports?
Yes, sometimes I run one for my husband.

What sport are you still practicing?
I love to ride.

What do you prefer sport in the outdoors or the gym?
Always outdoor!

What is the one that never lacks from your menu?
Olive oil, I'm addicted it. Especially in the morning I like with a toast.

You really believe in healthy nutrition, or is it just a script?

I have always been a healthy diet.

Még nincs hozzászólás.
The legend

09 - Ambassador of Inter.

31.May.2009 - Last game.

1991-2005: Portugal team.

2005-2009: Inter Milan.

10.12.2004. - Stella Born.

23.02.2002 - Martina born.

2000-05: Real Madrid.

30.July.2001. - Wedding.

1999.Apr.02. - Dani born.

1996: First meeting.

1995-2000: Barcelona.

1984-95: Sporting CP.

21.Oct.1974. -Helene born.

04.Nov.1972. - Luis born.


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